ZD Store Happenings

posted in Site News by swampgas on Jun 30th, 2001

Well, it's time for my monthly shameless plug for the ZD Store because it's time to send our host the money for July's bandwidth bill. There's several new GBA games available and I'll be adding more accessories soon. But for the GBA games, I decided to do a special for this weekend ONLY for a particular game. Namco Museum is a game which has 5 of Namco's classic games: Ms. Pac-Man, Galaga, Galaxian, Dig Dug and Pole Position. Since ZD is all about classic games, I'm offering 8.8% off the price I was going to give it. Don't worry about checks or money orders not arriving by the end of the weekend...you just need to place the order by 11:59pm on Sunday. Also, if anyone is wondering "Ok Swampy...exactly how much DID you make so far?", I'll be posting the 2nd quarter stats on the ZD Store page next week. It looks like it's over $ 10,000 in sales...not bad for an emulation site. You're welcome, Nintendo. Well, at least we're pop-up free for now. Stay tuned for the next shameless plug in 30 days...thanks for supporting ZD. Couldn't do it without you :)