2 days ago
posted by  martini

BigPEmu had been updated
- Download

"BigPEmu is the first Atari Jaguar emulator to feature compatibility with the entire retail library, along with excellent performance and a wide variety of unique features." It is available for Windows (x64 and ARM64) and Linux (x64).

2 days ago
posted by  martini

XRoar 1.7.3 has been released:

"XRoar is a Dragon emulator for Linux, Unix, Mac OS X and Windows. Due to hardware similarities, XRoar also emulates the Tandy Colour Computer (CoCo) models 1 & 2." XRoar is open source software under the GNU GPL V3 license.

2 days ago
posted by  martini

Yaba Sanshiro had been updated.
- Download

"Yaba Sanshiro is a Sega Saturn emulator for the Windows system. It is open source under the GNU GPL V2 license."

2 days ago
posted by  martini

PockEmul had been updated:
- Website
- Download

"PockEmul is a Sharp Pocket Computer emulator. It is developed in C++ using Qt4 and Fmod375. It is available on Win32 and Mac"

2 days ago
posted by  martini

MAME version 0.272 had been released:
- Download
- WebSite

MAME is available for the Windows, Linux and Mac OS platforms.

"MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with images of the original arcade game's ROM and disk data, MAME attempts to reproduce that game as faithfully as possible on a more modern general-purpose computer. MAME can currently emulate several thousand different classic arcade video games from the late 1970s through the modern era.

MAME is free and open source under the GPL-2.0+ license "

2 days ago
posted by  martini

PCSX2 2.3.39 has been released:
- Releases
- Website
- Github

PCSX2 is a Playstation 2 Emulator for the Windows, Linux and MacOS platforms. It is open source software under the GNU GPL V2 license.

7 days ago
posted by  martini

Gopher2600 version 0.35.2 had been released:
"Gopher2600 is an emulator for the Atari 2600 written in the Go language.

The accuracy of the emulation is very high and there are no known outstanding problems with the 6507, TIA and RIOT chip emulation. Emulation of the ARM chip is limited to the Thumb subset of instructions but it does include reasonably accurate cycle counting and performance monitoring."

7 days ago
posted by  martini

Simple Launcher 3.6.0 had been released:
- Github

"Simple Launcher is an emulator frontend that makes playing retro games a breeze. It is available for the Windows platform and it is open source under the GNU GPL V3 license.

7 days ago
posted by  martini

Wine version 9.22 for Linux has been released:

URL: https://www.winehq.org/

Here it is the official announcement:
URL: https://www.winehq.org/news/

"Wine (originally an acronym for "Wine Is Not an Emulator") is a compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications on several POSIX-compliant operating systems, such as Linux, Mac OSX, & BSD.
It is open source software under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.

7 days ago
posted by  martini

WinVICE r45373 had been released:

- Releases
- Github

WinVICE is a windows port of the VICE emulator. VICE (Versatile Commodore Emulator) is an emulator for the Commodore 8-bit computer range.

7 days ago
posted by  martini

XEMU 0.7.134 has been released:

- Github
- Releases
- Website

"xemu is an Original Xbox Emulator for Windows, macOS, and Linux." Open source under the GNU GPL V2 and LGPL license.

7 days ago
posted by  martini

WinDS PRO had been updated:

"WinDS PRO is a Nintendo DS & GameBoy Advance emulator package for the Android Platform. This have NO$Zoomer, NO$GBA, NO$MOOZ, NOZ, myZOOM, NGZoom, NO$GBA 2X, iDeaS, DeSmuME, VBA Link & VBA-M. "

7 days ago
posted by  martini

XRoar 1.7.1 has been released:

"XRoar is a Dragon emulator for Linux, Unix, Mac OS X and Windows. Due to hardware similarities, XRoar also emulates the Tandy Colour Computer (CoCo) models 1 & 2." XRoar is open source software under the GNU GPL V3 license.

7 days ago
posted by  martini

BigPEmu had been updated:

BigPEmu is an Atari Jaguar emulator for the Windows platform. "BigPEmu is the first Atari Jaguar emulator to feature compatibility with the entire retail cartridge library, along with excellent performance and a wide variety of unique features."

7 days ago
posted by  martini

GameEx 18.85 is available for download:
- http://www.gameex.com/news/

"GameEx is a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line based game emulators. Supported Operating Systems are Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP2, Windows XP SP3+, Windows Server 2003 SP2+, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012."

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