ZD Errors

posted in Site News by swampgas on Sep 12th, 2001

Our host is being rather uncooperative with me at the moment...they switched around some server stuff yesterday and didn't give me enough time to fix the multitudes of scripts we have to run the site. On top of that, they still haven't fixed an access problem, which is stopping the News Roundup from functioning as well as all the site maintenance scripts. I apologize on their behalf. The site's been up and down all week with errors still happening all over the place, we have planes falling from the sky hitting buildings, all the air traffic is grounded so the ZD Store has basically screeched to a halt, and I've got a cold. What else could possibly go wrong? (Don't answer that...) Update: Looks like that got our host's attention...the problems look to be fixed and the News Roundup should go out tonight.