z26 v2.10

posted in Emulator Release by narvick on Jun 23rd, 2003

z26 is an excellent Atari 2600 emulator for Windows by John Saeger. Here's what's new in thie latest version:
  • Changed the Extended Tigervision (-g11) bankswitch scheme to keep the last bank fixed. All ROM images that are bigger than 64K and not a multiple of 8448 now default to this scheme
  • The original Tigervision (-g4) bankswitch scheme now also supports up to 512K games but with $1800-$1FFF as the fixed bank. This allows compatibility with the Cuttle Cart for games up to 64K in size
  • ROM images that *are* a multiple of 8448, i.e. Supercharger games, are now supported in sizes up to 61 loads
Download it at the Atari 2600 Emulators page!