Word from aardWolf

posted in Site News by aardwolf on Dec 25th, 2000

Hi guys... Some of you have noticed that I haven't posted a lot lately, and here's my reason why. My mother has been in the hospital. Last week, she had to have open heard surgery (single bypass). Anyway, I've been spending most of the day and night with her at her hospital room, and I don't have internet access. Also, I'm leaving the day after Christmas on vacation. I'll be gone a week, and I won't even have access to a computer (some vacation, huh?) Anyway, I'm sure that the other staffers will keep you posted with the latest Translation news as well as the rest. Merry Christmas (or Chanukka or Kwanza or ???) to all of you, and I'll see you next year! Oh yeah... I have gotten somewhere around 20 e-mail messages asking me about a translation hack for Tactics Ogre. It seems a rumor has been started that I have a patch that I'm only giving to special people. It's just not true. Any patches that are given to me are posted on our translation pages, so check there... (and PLEASE stop asking for the Tactics Ogre patch, OK??? *grin*)