Utilities Section Reorganization

posted in Site News by spacetiger on Aug 5th, 2003

If you head over to the utilities section, you will see that we have given it a facelift and added some new categories. Here's a quick overview of what has been done:
  • Organized it into a tri-level browsing system (i.e. three clicks for any utility, starting at the front page)
  • Given each primary utility section its own icon (thanks mostly to Paladyn for this)
  • Lumped system-specific utilities into the "general" category
  • Added an (incomplete) "Auditing" section. This will include mostly ROM managers and fixers
  • Split the "facelifting" utilities into multiple sections, divided by system. This is one of the biggest improvements so far
  • Created an (incomplete) "Development" section
  • Added a "Game Modification" section. This will hold what used to be "Translation/Hacking" utilities, with many changes. Like with "Cheating", I have subdivided these utilities into multiple sections
  • Added a "Music" section. It holds mostly sound file players (including WinAMP)
  • Added a "Plugins" section. Since these are in such high demand, I thought they deserved their own section. There are currently categories for PS, PS2, and N64
There are still changes being made and utilities being added, but the general categories and layout should remain in this form. Go check out our new Utilities seciton.