Treasure of the Rudras Translation Complete!

posted in Translation News by spacetiger on Jul 5th, 2003

In what he's calling "the biggest project [he's] ever undertaken," Aeon Genesis has completed his English Translation of Rudra no Hihou. The version number, v0.99B1-F-D2, is rather unusual and he explains it as follows:
    v0.99B1 means just that - it's the first public beta, for all intents and purposes complete on a technical level and very much in English. The "F" means that the dialogue was translated from the French translation patch. Everything else was redone from the original Japanese, however, to ensure the highest level of accuracy possible. Yes, a translation of the Japanese script is planned assuming anyone can sit through 700K of dialogue :) "D2" means that the current script is the second draft, and it shows. You do not even want to see the first draft - assuming I still have any of it around - but it was pretty bad nonetheless. The current draft of the script is much much better, but I'm still not completely happy with it.
The game is an RPG that is graphically very similar to FF6, but has a much more challenging style of gameplay. You can pick up the patch in the English SNES Translations section.