Reminesce: New NES emulator

posted in Emulator Release by gavin on Jul 23rd, 2004

Blue Hawk has released his newest project: Reminesce. A WIP NES emu. The author knows best, so here is what he has to say: "Hello All, This is my first release of this brand new kick ass dev friendly emulator. This Emulator is specifically for slow computers and cross-platform. I know speed & cross platforms don't go well together but this emulator will you you an exception ;), check out my sources and you'll see what i mean. If you plan to port this, please with until my next release as i will be fixing a lot of things and finishing up my other projects. Since it is my first release there is bound to be a lot of bugs, still hunting them down so in 2 or 3 releases it should be very accurate. But that doesn't mean its not accurate. Game Supported that give other emulators trouble - copper - nesmas - spriteDma - nesTress - sprDma and a few other private homemade games. I dare you to run copper & nesmas on your favourite emulator, one of them will fail ;)" thanks to Blue Hawk for the news, and you can check out the release on the NES Emulators page.