RAINE v0.38.5

posted in Emulator Release by narvick on Jan 8th, 2004

The multiple arcade emulator RAINE gets another update today. This again is only for the Windows version. New this time:
  • New cheat type: Every 5s, very useful to catch the laser in Arkanoid!
  • Fixed the dialog for editable cheats (to select a level)
  • Fixed the end scrolling in Arkanoid 2, thanks to a top in the MAME source code. This hardware is really crazy!!!
  • When the emulation starts, do not display "Z80#0 Reset" if the first Z80 is not used. Games like Arkanoid 2 use only 2 Z80, not 3 (detail)
  • Added LOTS of cheats from Pugsy and the Ultimate Patchers Databases. I included the converter in the RAINE source archives in source/bonus/conv_cheats.pl for those who are curious. I also added a few cheats like level selection to some existing games. Cheats added or updated for these games: arkatour, fantasia, fantsia 2, dinou, cawingu, esprade, espradej, espradeo, gigandes, hyperpac, hyperpcb, legion, legiono, mswordr1, mcatadv, mcatadvj, mazinger, missw96, mspacmab, newfant, pengob, pirates, ssmissin, selfeena, sf2ud, sf2uf, sf2eb, shadowwa, tdragon2, twinhawk, arkangc, arkatayt, gemini, mspacman, kodure, pacman, pacplus, pengo2u, puckman, rygar, sf2ceuc, sfzch, willowje, chukatai, dfeveron, flstory, ghox, kageki, pang3, pang3j, pbobble4, ryujin, macross, tshingen, uopoko, vfive
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