Project Titan v2000X

posted in Emulator Release by dhalamar on Dec 22nd, 2000

The Sega Saturn emulator Project Titan has been updated recently, here's what's new:

Well, here's the final release of the year before I leave the country... A bunch of all around inprovements for this one... some VDP stuff and a bunch of bugfixes. While I'm gone, feel free to email me, and I'll try to get back to you upon my return. Before I go though, I should clear up some things... I haven't as of yet chosen an open source license for Titan because I was still trying to evaluate the merits of the many licenses that are out there... I'd hoped to pick one by now, but I've been more occupied with programming and real life, that I never really got around to it. (However, I do expect that anyone who uses or modifies Titan would contact me beforehand, until an appropriate licensing document is found) In terms of code similarities, I have looked at other sources for Saturn emulators and in some cases, modeled some portions of code after what I've seen in other emulators, but that was only when there was no pertinant information available. In fact, more often than not, I've replaced or augmented these "borrowed" segments of code with my own when I figured out what was going on. Some parts of Titan may look similar to other open source Saturn emulators, but in no way did I copy line for line any code incorporated in a release without giving explicit credit. Having cleared that up, I wish you all a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year (again :)

You can go grab it from the Sega Saturn Emulators section.