News from the Apollo site

posted in Emulator Release by dhalamar on Dec 5th, 2000

Well, the homepage for the N64 emulator Apollo was updated today with a HUGE update regarding the status of Apollo, some other stuff, and the birth of a new NES emulator called nes#emu. Here's the post for those of you who are too lazy to go the page:

December 5th, 2000 [Azimer] Then end of the line... with a new beginning The time has come to come out of the closet... No... I am not gay. Worse. I am a NES Emu coder. lol. Just kidding but it caught your attention. I am doing a NES emu with a few guys and you can check it out here. It'll be fun. I will be doing the sound on the system. Hopefully trying to get it perfect. Speaking of sound... Did you HEAR WIP4 of TR64? WONDERFUL... hahaha... (as Mario says it). I guess I can quit beating around the bush. The status of Apollo is as follows. Phrodide has left the project for good. He has left the emulation scene and he has left me in sole custody of the project. He is also going to give me his v64jr if I attend his wedding *laughs*. Like I wouldn't try to make it in the first place pfft. :) You might be "sadden" by this, but I have left Apollo long ago. Over a week now. I am on TR64's team now... I won't say much about what I am doing but it's been great so far. Lets see... Oh yes... Apollo :) Apollo lives on! I will keep working on it. Of course my two new projects take priority. Now for a little recap of a post a tried to make so many times and to bring closure and perhaps a "tribute" to Phrodide contribution to my coding experiences.... I met Phrodide long ago when I was working in the moonlitcoalition on snesrise. 64bit was the "leader" but he was nothing more then a webmaster. Phrodide was there once in awhile but he was pretty much quitting sunset by the time I joined in August. I just finished my NES emulator (unreleased) and I wanted to take on new challenges. I worked for a long time and then I was approached by 64bits asking me if I think they should fire Phrodide from the project. I didn't care since I didn't know Phrodide that well... but that night or soon after I really got to meet him for the first time. We sat in a channel and decided to construct a new N64 emulator which would rival that of UltraHLE. We didn't get far. We coded until February when our team of 4 dwindled down to a team of 2. Phrodide and I disposed of the faulty emulator and constructed Apollo from its ashes. Today, it's better then that old emulator will ever be. It's all my work... it's all Phrodide's work. And now here I am... I learned SO MUCH from Phrodide, and I am truly grateful he gave me a chance one year ago to be part of that N64 emulation dev. team. Without his guidance, I would have not known how to do anything more then creating a CFB only N64 emulator. Phrodide is a good friend to me. I will miss his online presence and my phone bill will be outrageous. thanks for all the good times man :) btw, schibo... they would have know sooner or later anyhow... I have an illness I can use as an excuse for murdering lamers :)

Told you it was a big post. :) Anyway, you can download Apollo from their website, and you can download nes#emu Alpha from our NES Emulators section. Thanks to Martin of Emulation64 for telling me about this. :)