NESCafe v0.30

posted in Emulator Release by dhalamar on Dec 1st, 2000

A new NES emulator for Java called NESCafe has been released recently, here's the E-Mail the author sent to us:

NESCafe 0.30 is now available for download from my website at As I mentioned last time I posted (earlier this week), it is the first java-based NES Emulator available to support sound using the Java Sound API, as well as mappers like MMC3 (for Mario 3 and Mario 2), remember that this is only its first public release so go easy on it!! NESCafe does require a fast JVM (there are links to the fast IBM Java Virtual Machine from my page). I hope that you all enjoy it and give it a go. Source code will be available for future releases. Thanks. Also, to those of you at Zophar, I've be very greatful if you would place a link to it on your "Emulators for Java : NES" page. It will be open source in future versions but currently its a class-only distribution. Cheers.

This looks to be really promising, so go check it out. You can either go grab this emulator from our NES Emulators for Java section.