NESCafe, v0.57

posted in Emulator News by flash on Mar 1st, 2005

David de Niese has released NESCafe, v0.57, an emulator for the Nintendo Entertainment System written entirely in Java. According to the author, this will run on any platform and is open source. You can also play Mike Tyson's Punch-out and Legend of Zelda online (visit his site for more information) Improvements and or changes in v 0.57: - Improve Sound processing and better support for DMC - Applet Mode can now use C and L to commit and load States via CGI scripts - Fixed bug where GUI screen was not blanking when ROM images were closed. - Images saved to PNG format instead (press A in both Standalone or Applet version) - Press I to show Cartridge ROM information in both Standalone and Applet version - Press Q to clear Save RAM and reset the Cartridge in both Standalone and Applet version - New Applet tag for forcing State to load on start-up - Sound channel information is now included in Save State files - Settings file can be used to store Controls in both Standalone and Applet versions - Press , and . to swap between controlling Player 1 and Player 2 - Special thanks to Daniel Fisher from for his help. You can get this emulator at our Java NES Emulators page. Thanks to Dave de Niese for the news.