More Updates...

posted in Site News by swampgas on Aug 29th, 2001

Still being flooded with emails and message board posts about a few allow me to update everyone once again. ZD Store: The new item is being manufactured (by hand) as I type. Once again, it has to do with the SNES, a PC and, it's not a backup unit and it'll probably be under $ 25. Also coming this weekend to the store...Labor Day Clearance! In other words, I want to get rid of some old stuff to make room for new stuff. Since online stores usually don't follow holidays, let's just call it the "I'm A Poor College Kid Who Just Got Back and I Want The Stuff Cheaper Clearance Sale" know who you are :) And on another note, I might carry some new GBA accessories. Prices and dates aren't final, although they shouldn't change by more than a few dollars or a few days. I'm dying to see some of these GBA demos on the real thing. Mario Paint Contest: Our 2 judges, Death Adder and Zophar, are still judging the entries. Zophar updated me today and said he's down to about 10 good ones and Death Adder has already selected his top songs. Once the judging is complete, we'll let you download all the submissions. Message Board: I had scheduled this for a few weeks ago, but ran into some snags. One of these days I'll get around to upgrading to the latest version and reapplying the hacks I did. And in useless unrelated news, I'm very happy with Internet Explorer 6 Final...kudos to Microsoft.