Monthly Status Report

posted in Site News by swampgas on Aug 3rd, 2001

A new month already...summer is going quickly. Time for an updated status report for ZD. First, the ZD Store is going well. Our top 3 items are: Pennsylvania residents should take advantage of the tax free PC week beginning on the 5th..if it interfaces with a PC, there's no tax. I'm also working on getting a merchant account to process credit cards myself and avoid Paypal. I filled out several applications, but I'm trying to figure out which one would be best. They all have their ups and downs. And finally regarding the store, a new item coming this involves the SNES, a PC and ZSNES. I have a prototype and can personally endorse it. This thing simply rocks....stay tuned. Moving on, I was thinking about doing an auction site here on ZD to help you get rid of all that junk laying around. Several people mentioned it to me, as well as our former staffer Stick Fig. With the cooperation of other emulation sites, I'm sure we'd all be happy. There's a poll on our message board:
  • Auction Vote And in some msc news, we're close to 10,000 news submissions (started counting on June 15th, 2000). Only 22,767 more to go until the number overflows and crashes the whole thing. Yeah yeah yeah...other programmers are laughing at me now. I'm too lazy to update the SQL table :) I believe Groat will be back this month from summer camp...hope he had fun. So other than that, there's not much else going on. I've been overwhelmed with work because of the store. but I'm still managing to keep ZD on its feet...over 1,200,000 views to the front page in July (not counting reloads/revisits). Maybe next month's will be more interesting....until then, happy emulating.