MEKA v0.56

posted in Emulator Release by dhalamar on Dec 28th, 2000

MEKA has been updated to version 0.56. Here's what's new:

  • Added Sega Super Control Station emulation, codename SF-7000. The SF-7000 is a rare addon for the Sega Computer 3000, providing it with a 3" Floppy Disk Drive, 64 kbytes of RAM, a parallel printer port and a RS-232C port. The later two are only partially emulated as anyway there is no way to use the emulated connection (ex: for printing) yet. Many thanks goes to Marc Le Douarain for his help and dumps of his old disks, and Ulrich Cordes for the FDC-765 emulation (see documentation).

    I added in the documentation a paragraph about how to use SC-3000 and SF-7000 Basic software, as it is needed to load programs for the later. Also, I am still looking for a real SF-7000 and any softwares!

  • Added sprite flickering emulation in video mode 5 (SMS/GG), and interfaced so you can now enable it if you feel like playing shooters with invisible bullets. It is available in the VIDEO-FLICKERING menu.
  • MEKA is now ignoring those rarely present 64 bytes footers.
  • Fixed Ninja Gaiden (GG version) hand on intermission animation.
  • Fixed PAUSE button which was broken in version 0.55b.
  • Fixed blinking sides when a program was using text mode (Sega Basic, ..) with a border color different than black.
  • Fixed Sega Keyboard letters color.
  • Fixed /LOG command line option which was ignoring the given filename.
  • Added and fixed entrys in the compatibility and checksum lists.
  • Various minor changes - changed messages, fixed typos..

You can download this from the SMS and GameGear Emulators section.