Megaman 5 Time Attack

posted in Translation News by gavin on Feb 16th, 2004

excerpt from DESnet page: Mega Man 5 Time Attack drastically alters the setup of Mega Man 5 so that it is now a race against the clock rather than a battle against Wily. From the main menu, you are able to select any of the game's 16 stages and attempt to complete it as fast as you can while the game keeps track of your time, HP, and number of enemies destroyed. The scores are stored on a top10 list for each stage, complete with initials, stored in SRAM. To make things a little easier, there is a new wall-vision mode which displays things in different palettes so you can more easily differentiate between the various types of blocks that make up a stage. Also added is an in-game menu which allows you to continue playing a stage, restart a stage, or return to the main menu. Definitely a great hack for Mega Man fans to get; it adds a ton of replay value to the game. Really a great hack and certainly a good deal of work went into the making of this. So thanks to Matrixz for creating the hack and giving us the news (and apologies for the late update)