MAMEoX v0.71.2b

posted in Emulator Release by spacetiger on Jul 17th, 2003

The latest version of multi-arcade XBOX emulator, MAMEoX, is now 0.71.2b. The following changes were made:
  • Enabled writeback caching for greater than 64 megs (Games should be playable on 128mb Xboxes)
  • Exiting from a ROM to the ROM list should now be MUCH faster.
  • Added code to allow 4 ROM paths
  • Changed it so romstatus.xml file is only parsed when scanning for new ROMs
  • Added public function to force reload the rom status file
  • Fixed Backup feature
  • Added code to allow 4 ROM paths
  • Changed the text for "problem ROM" filters
  • Changed backup feature to use CopyFile
We can't offer this emulator for download, but you can visit the homepage as linked from above or from the MAME Emulators for XBOX page.