MAME32 v0.77

posted in Emulator Release by narvick on Nov 12th, 2003

Also released was an up-to-date version of MAME32, the Windows version of MAME. In addition to the standard v0.77 updates, the following is new:
  • Fulfilling the longstanding feature req. added the ability to globally alter vector.ini and driver.ini's to match the core. Secondary click on the vector folder • properties in the folder pane to set options for that group of games. To alter global settings for game families, drill down into the source folder in the folder pane, and secondary click on a driver's properties i.e. 1942.c. This will change options for all games based on that driver. The different levels of alteration are color coded, vector.ini changes are red, driver.ini changes are green, and individual game settings are blue. Thus there is the possibility to have four color/levels of alterations when a game's individual properties are viewed in All Games or any folder. The changes can be backed out of hierarchically with reset to default on each respective properties, the reset to default global option, or by deleting the .ini files in the \ini directory. Note: Currently the color alterations do not display properly with XP in themed mode, but the functionality works [bug 462]. Coded solutions to this issue via DIFF are welcomed
Grab it as well from the MAME Emulators page