MAGFest 2 reminder

posted in Media News by swampgas on Jun 23rd, 2003

Received a note from P2E:
I run a videogame convention and recently finalized my date with the hotel we're going to have it at. It's a fan convention, so basically we have a bunch of things going on at once, and people can pay the door charge and do whatever. For one, there's a huge room where we set up as many TVs as we can get our hands on and hook game consoles up (there'll be a LAN and arcade corner as well). Other rooms will contain dealers, video-watching (remember Captain N?), and we'll have some videogame programmers/artists/musicians there as well to talk about where they get their inspiration. Also in the main events hall will be a gameshow, a dance, and saturday night, we have a concert with three videogame cover-bands (ever heard of the Minibosses?)! All in all, it's going to be hopping, and I hope I might be able to generate some interest amongst you guys. =] I'll be hosting it Halloween weekend at the Clarion Inn in Williamsburg, VA. Check the website out for more details.
It looks like I'll be handling the audio for the events (since I have quite a large DJ/concert system), and fellow ZD staffer Narvick will be there as well. Can't wait to hear some of Virt's tunes with 4x18"/4,000 watts of pure bass heaven. If you stop by, make sure to say hi.
  • MAGFest 2 page ...and my 22nd birthday is tomorrow. Hooters on the Carlisle Pike in Mechanicsburg, PA...probably around 8pm. Buy me beer.