Lunar Magic v1.31 released

posted in Utility Release by bdlou on Nov 12th, 2001

While old news, this was brought to our attention by Someguy/Chezzman1. Lunar Magic v1.31, a Super Mario World level editor, was released. Here's what's new:
  • Fixed a nasty bug from 1.30 that could potentially erase non-level data such as BG Map16 data, overworld data, etc when saving a level. Thanks goes out to SomeGuy for submitting the patch that revealed this problem.
  • Fixed a crash bug (!) that would occur in 1.30 if you left-clicked on the currently selected 8x8 tile in the 16x16 tile editor window without opening the 8x8 editor at least once beforehand.
  • In the 16x16 properties dialog of the 16x16 editor window, the upper right and bottom left 8x8 tile numbers were switched around. Thanks to Sendy for pointing this out.
  • Fixed a bug where FG tiles >= 0x400 in the 16x16 properties dialog of the 16x16 editor window incorrectly reported tile gameplay settings of 0x130 in the 16x16 editor window, even when they had been changed.
  • Sprite 18 (a surface jumping fish) is not "unused" as a tool tip in 1.30 indicated. It has now been added to the sprite list, and the tool tip has been updated. A thank you goes out to Iggy for pointing this out.
  • Sprite A4 (a spike ball that floats on water) is slow or fast based on (X&1), so Lunar Magic's description of it has been updated. Try out this awesome utility in the Facelift Utilities area.