Lunar Magic v1.10

posted in Utility Release by dhalamar on Dec 26th, 2000

Darknight16 writes: Lunar Magic Version 1.10 Released and here is what fusoya had to say: Well, it's finally out! I actually ended up doing a few more 65816 ASM enhancements to Super Mario World, in addition to the background and palette editor updates... you now have the option of custom palettes for each level, the ability to insert the graphics as 4bpp tiles instead of 3bpp, and support for inserting 0x80 additional graphics files into the ROM for level use (called ExGFX). And of course the documentation section for Lunar Magic has been updated accordingly. Merry Christmas! ^^

Lunar Magic is a Super Mario World editor. So head on over to the Facelifting Utilities section to grab it. :)