HyNes goes bye bye

posted in Emulator News by akilla on Jan 31st, 2001

Ganondorf writes:
I originally posted this on Emuhelp.com, but as I figured JTS deleted it and put his own post up. Ok, the Emuhelp staff and I had a misunderstanding. My site is now gone and I have no intent on putting one back up. I know most of you think HyNes is still a fake, and it’s not, but I don't care anymore. I'm not going to release it anyway so think whatever you want. I'm still going to continue development, and release it to friends, and if you are wondering, it does play some games at a decent speed, believe it or not, I don't care. I am permanently disappearing from the emulation scene because I am tired of getting all the shit from people like aprentice and jts (whom by the way is a very immature, troubled person) who never even gave me a fair chance, just because they already had prejudices against things I was doing (including using visual basic, which is much more powerful than anyone gives credit, try BasicNes, don has done a really good job). I would like to thank Dabods for all he has done for us, and for trusting me, which was well placed, even though he may not believe it now. I would like to end on this: I now know exactly what RealityMan felt like, those of you who did this to me, are as bad as those lamers you were shunning that made RealityMan leave. Ganondorf