Happy New Year

posted in Site News by unknown on Jan 1st, 2003

As WhoaMan may have already told you, It's True, WhoaMan and I now control Zd along with our staff. I want to make one thing clear from the start. I'm not going to be able to implement everything I plan because let's be honest here, some ideas aren't worth going through with, and sometimes things happen that make us change our minds. And remember, we all make mistakes, because we're only human (that is unless some cyborg out there is reading this.) We all have lives, we all have priorities and we all have things we hafta do sometimes, so nothing is written in stone. But there's one thing i can promise, and that is that WhoaMan and I are gonna try our hardest to make the whole experience as fun as possible for everyone. We both depend on our staff greatly, and Trust me, we have a really great staff lined up. And to all the nay sayers out there, be as negative about this as you want to be, we're still gonna try our best. In a way, i'm sticking to "The Emulation dream" that Zophar put forth so long ago. and yet i'm not totally sticking to it, Because there are newer emulation dreams. The part i'm determined to stick to though, is the part about having fun. And to everyone in the Emulation community : Enough fights, let's try to make emulation as fun as it should be. We'll do it alone if we have to, but we'd much rather have your help. I have some plans, nothing drastic, but things will happen, Gradually, Don't expect any overnight changes, everything takes time. Happy New Years Everyone. Elazul Yagami.