Genesis - MegaDrive convenient music format

posted in Utility News by deathadder on Apr 9th, 2003

Hey! I'm wanting to gather some person(s) together who know something about the Sega Genesis - MegaDrive and its music processing. For an upcoming project (game-based of course), there's real need for a convenient music format system for collection of and indexing of soundtracks from these games. As we all know, GYM-format is bulky and requires the user to log the music. Very inefficient for two reasons I can name right off the bat: 1). Games with DAC effects that no emulator can handle and 2). Games that don't allow the user to hear music without the interruption of sound effects.

What I'd love to see is a general format for Genesis - MegaDrive musics similar to NSF, KSS and HES that gather the actual music data together and store it in one single file for easy replay and categorization. I have a general idea of who to talk with about this, but I'm unsure if their level of Genesis - MegaDrive programming would suit the project needs.

If you'd like to have any sway in the matter, give a shout to the people you know who are doing Genesis research and development. If you're a music fan or console music programmer - ripper - reverse engineer - etc., give me an e-mail. Let's organize something. I hate seeing the lovely and energetic Sega Genesis suffering from such a tedious and bulked-up music format as the ugly GYM ... let's fix that.

I call for the help right now because the project it would benefit is in regard to required clean dumps of music so the songs can be professionally remixed. Thanks ... drop me an e-mail at: if you think you can help. Thanks-a-roonie for reading this little spurt.

Hey, hey - and MAME supports Martial Champion now. Quite a remarkable break from all of those crackerjack-package releases from our f(r)iends at C(r)apcom, yes? Hot diggity. Thanks, Konami. Thanks, Nicola. I'm a rabid dog. Can you understand that?!? 1993 is legend.