GBA Color Picker v1.3

posted in Utility Release by mfc on Mar 18th, 2004

Icy Guy has updated his utility for ROM hackers to view GBA compatible colors recently. From the author's readme:
    The "Transparent?" checkbox has been removed, since it's pointless (there's no point in modifying transparent colors), and, thanks to Viper, just a simple check or uncheck of the "Byteswap?" checkbox will cause a change in the text box below "Overall Color." Additionally, I've added a "Copy Overall Color to Clipboard" button to do just that, made a slight alteration to the vertical window size, disabled the "Maximize" button (the program looks nasty when maximized), disabled resizing of the window (resizing made it look bad, too), and made it so that you can type whatever value you want into one of those boxes to the right of the scrollbars instead of moving the scrollbars around, if you're so inclined. Whatever you do, though, make sure that there's SOMETHING in all of those box at all times (i.e. "type over" the current number), or the program will, unfortunately, crash. I've put a limit on there, too, so anything higher than 248 will display as...248. I've also made a couple of code optimizations (thanks to Viper for educating me in the ways of String()), so it's slightly less messy on my end (and hopefully slightly faster for you).
You can get this from our GameBoy Advance Utilities section.