GBA and more...

posted in Site News by swampgas on Apr 5th, 2001

We were struck with a neat idea here...why not sell merchandise for less than what other people charge? Sure, we'd make less profit, but since the money is used for contests and site related stuff (none of us are paid), the loss wouldn't be that much of a problem. The original idea was to sell Gameboy Advances for close to wholesale, making just a few dollars profit. If we were able to sell 100 of them, we'd have enough money for a contest (ZMV contest?), if our estimations of wholesale/retail prices are correct. Here's the problem. We need to know if you guys would actually buy them, and what else we could offer that you'd buy. Email (DON'T submit news) me and let me know if you'd be interested. Remember, we're a non-profit site, so all proceeds would go towards site related stuff (contests, hardware, etc). Of course, another problem is obtaining the stuff at wholesale. I don't think we'd be able to get only 100 GBAs at wholesale....they might work at bigger numbers. Besides, who has the $ 10,000 to finance this? I guess we'll figure things out in the's just a 4am brainstorm right now :)