FinalBurn Alpha v0.129

posted in Emulator Release by outsider on Aug 1st, 2001

LoopMaster released a new compiled version of Final Burn, which is based on the official source code. Here's the following changes:
  • There's no need to use patched XOR's anymore! Armwar, Pgear & Pgearr1 now use the original XOR tables released by Raz. A very big thankyou goes out to Raz & Dayvee for helping me solve this problem :)
  • Pgearr1 now works correctly, and no longer reports the "1010 EXCEPTION 0000716C" message.
  • Re-ordered the games list. CPS-1/CPS-Changer games can now be found at the bottom of the game list, in alphabetical order.
  • Forced "bReadInputEveryFrame" to default as "0" (off). According to Raz this should help with the netplay. The "bDrvSaveAll" option should also be set to "0" if you are using the netplay feature. Download it from the Multi Arcade Emulators page.