FF5Spoof v0.21 and FF6v1.2 v0.Z released

posted in Translation News by khaless on Apr 30th, 2002

Tzepish has e-mailed to tell me about his 2 of his hacks he has decided to release. Both of these are SNES hacks and are of high quality.
  • FF5 Spoof v0.21 - This is a Final Fantasy 5 hack based on RPGe's english translation. What this hack does is spoof it up some. And well a spoof is a comedy. What is currently done so far is up to when you get your ship and going to get the Earth crystal.
  • FF6v1.2 v0.Z - This is a Final Fantasy 3 hack. Alot has been changed in this hack. Some of the biggest changes are that this hack includes the Final Fantasy 6j title screen. Also the sprint boots have been replaced with a new item called Element Ward. And before you schitz out. Let me tell you the sprint boot ability has become automatic. And dont feel cheated anymore when you change the Esper Odin to Raiden. Also some names have been changed and alot of other abilites and spells and espers have been changed to make the game more realistic.
  • You can download his hacks in the SNES Hacks section. Thanks to Tzepish for the news of his hack. Also click the house or his name up above to check out some of his other WIP hacks.