FCE Ultra Extended Debugger (FCEUXD)

posted in Emulator Release by gavin on Dec 25th, 2004

bbitmaster, after much toiling, tribulation, and no small amount of tinkering--providing me with a great excuse for alliteration--has completed a new release based off the FCEUd emulator source. In the previous release of FCEUd Parasyte had added a powerful debugger and PPU viewer making FCEUd quite a mean tool. bbitmaster's latest additions are a rather large step up from the last set of features. "In addition to the Debugger and PPU Viewer from FCEUd, FCEUXD has a Trace Logger, a built-in Hex Editor, a Name Table Viewer and a Code/Data Logger." Coded by Parasyte, the emulator includes an Inline Assembler in the debugger with instantly visible results just as with hex editor changes. Another excellent feature is the Game Genie Decoder/Encoder which can make creating Game Genie codes almost literaly a 'point and right-click' process. Because these features are just way cool, you should certainly check out the FCEUXD FAQs as it details all the features and how they can be applied. bbitmaster has put in an unmeasurable amount of time and work in this project over the past year and I would like to say he deserves a very Merry Christmas :) You can check out FCE Ultra Extended Debugger on ZD's NES Emulator page or on it's project page.