Dreamer Not Fake, and new version coming the 1st

posted in Emulator News by dhalamar on Dec 29th, 2000

Yukio writes: Day 28 in Spain is "Dia de los Inocentes". The Translation is " Day of the Innocents " like the Fool day in 1st April. Is a joke of Emulatronia. The Screenshots not display the menu or debugging and frame rate. Are only some normal DC screenshots that Emulatronia post in the joke. They say it on the news page and sorry and apologize. The public release of the new version of Dreamer emulator is for day 1. The new version have support for 3D. Run most demos (including 3D demos) and emulators. Have preliminary support for ISO files and load Crazy Taxi and some other games (Maybe not in the public release). Need to wait a bit more for playable games.

Well, there we have it. :)