Brad corrupts: A new youtube series

Reaper man

Hey, this is a project that I've had on the backburner for a while now. I finally got around to making the first video. I corrupted the game 1942 using a special python script I made. Expect more to come, enjoy!

Alright, here's the next game in the series, Abadox!

Please be sure to annotate, subscribe, rate, and comment(both on the page and on here)!
Okay, this one is a ilttle bit repetitive, and I realized that when making the footage, but here it is anyway, Al Unser Jr.'s Turbo Racing!

Please be sure to annotate, subscribe, rate, and comment(both on the page and on here)
Sorry dude, but I can´t find any sense in this stuff - tell me your intention.

You're looking too much into it.

Did you ever take a game genie and put random shit in it to watch and see how the game it'll break? Similar concept. It's just various ways I've broken the game randomly. Chaos can be entertaining, and that's all this is, entertainment.
Me corrupting A Boy and his blob has just been released! Take a lookie!

This one is a bit longer than the others. Hopefully not too long though.
All new Brad Corrupts! In honor of Super Mario Bros.' 25th anniversary, I am doing 3 volumes worth of corruptions of SMB, watch the first one here!

Ok, number 4 in the first Super Mario Bros video really was pretty funny. Especially when you died...didn't think Mario was coming back down. Did the game freeze at that point then?
Volume 3 of me corrupting Super Mario Bros. is here! Watch!

Also, I've started using a much higher quality encode, so this should be the best looking video yet, quality wise. Doesn't get much better than uploading lossless! Hah!

Also, I'm going back to my regular game list after this. Next game to get corrupted will be Burai Fighter.
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