Official introductions thread


I waste time by remastering the music here. I'm on my like 1000th re-iteration of the process I use to remaster. I believe it's ready to be shared. Am posting as I go in the Music section.

:outta here:

*Stands and bows*


I'm new here.

Please treat me kindly now.

*Sits back down*


Animelist - Signature - Ariel Schnee - Homepage - My Fics - Full Version Avatar

If you are a believer of Jesus Christ, and are 100% proud of it, put this in your sig!!

- Ariel Schnee, twin sister of Weiss Schnee. And Loyal Servant of The Royal Pony Sisters, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna... Forever Equestria!
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Hi. Just found this site! I started hacking roms in november 2018. Mainly Mario games. Been thinking about it for years but haven't got the time until now (well, not really). Working on my fourth hack right now.

Here’s my stuff:

So, now I'm here. Nice to meet you.
Just thought I would say hello, have actually been going to this site on and off since 1997 I believe? Nice to see it is still going ^_^
You guys can call me metal64, I am a romhacker since 2015. I had made several romhacks from Streets of Rage 2, but nowadays I am more focused in hacking aladdin for sega genesis. My hobbies besides modding are playing videogames, read comic books and manga and listen to music.
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You guys can call me metal64, I am a romhacker since 2015. I had made several romhacks from Streets of Rage 2, but nowadays I am more focused in hacking aladdin for sega genesis. My hobbies besides modding are playing videogames, read comic books and manga and listen to music.

Welcome. Cool to see more ROM hackers around.
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